Over 14 years of business, we have noticed a recurring spike in delinquent association dues at the beginning of the year. While many factors cause homeowners to accrue HOA debt, the effect to the community generally means increased HOA fees, maintenance delays, and other frustrations within the neighborhood.
Our team at Equity Experts is excited for March! Why? Tax Season.
While Tax Day is April 17th this year, many taxpayers heed the advice of the IRS and attempt to “avoid the rush” by filing early. Last March, the IRS issued over 310 million tax refunds at an average of $2,939 each. According to a recent Credit Karma Tax™ survey, 62% of Americans expect to receive a tax refund in 2018 and about 24% intend to use theirs to pay down debt. The month of March is a great time to have an effective collection solution.
Equity Experts employs our core values – community, integrity, and resolution – in everything we do. We are proud to have a 98% recovery rate, and most homeowner association and condominium association delinquencies are resolved within 90 days. And the best part? Our services are at no out-of-pocket cost to the association.
Learn more about how Equity Experts can recover more delinquent association debt for your community!